Curriculum Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Cyber-Physical System

The curriculum in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Cyber-Physical Systems trains graduates who are experts in the application of data science and artificial intelligence methods to industrial problems, particularly in the broad class of cyber-physical systems (e.g. IoT, automation). They will acquire statistical-modeling and optimization skills, machine learning and artificial intelligence skills also applied to control problems, and computational skills in intensive computing and advanced programming.

I year (60 ECTS)
I semester
Statistical Methods 9
High Performance and Cloud Computing (+)9
One course from Core Group A (+)6
One course from Core Group B6
II semester
Probabilistic Machine Learning (++)6
Deep Learning (++)6
Reinforcement Learning6
One course from Core Group C6
Modelling and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems I6
II year (60 ECTS)
Modelling and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems II6
One course from Core Group D6
One course from Core Group E6
One course from Core Group F6
Elective course6

Core Group A CoursesECTS
Advanced programming (*)6
Machine Learning Operations6

The course in Advanced Programming can be chosen only by students who does not have a solid background in programming (in C, C++ and Python), and who have not taken an advanced programming course during the bachelor. Please contact the program coordinator in case of doubts.

Core Group B CoursesECTS
Introduction to Machine Learning (*)6
Optimization for Artificial Intelligence6
Mathematical Optimization6

The course in Introduction to Machine Learning can be chosen only by students who have not taken an introductory course of machine learning during the bachelor or in other venues. Please contact the program coordinator in case of doubts.

Core Group C CoursesECTS
Ethics and Law of Data and Artificial Intelligence6
One elective course6

It is recommended to include only Numerical Analysis as elective course in the first year, in case a course in numerical analysis was not taken during the undergraduate degree. Otherwise, take Ethics and Law of Data and Artificial Intelligence, which is compulsory, and take the elective course during the second year.

Core Group D CoursesECTS
Mathematical Optimization6
Optimization for Artificial Intelligence6
One complementary course from Complementary group 6

If in the first year you took the course in Introduction to Machine Learning, here you have to take one course between Mathematical Optimization or Optimization for AI.

Core Group E CoursesECTS
Data Management (*)6
One complementary course from Complementary group 6

The course in Data Management can be chosen only by students who have not taken an course of databases or data management during the bachelor or in other venues. Please contact the program coordinator in case of doubts.

Core Group F CoursesECTS
Ethics and Law of Data and Artificial Intelligence6
One elective course6

If in the first year you took an elective course, here you have to take Ethics and Law of Data and Artificial Intelligence, which is compulsory.

You can add complementary courses from the following groups:

Complementary Group CoursesECTS
Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems6
Simulation Intelligence and Learning for Autonomous Systems6

You can add in the study plan elective courses from the following group:

Elective CoursesECTS
All the courses in previous tables
Numerical Analysis6
Optimization for Artificial Intelligence6
Stochastic Modelling and Simulation 6
Information Theory6
Unsupervised Learning6
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition6
Advanced Deep Learning and Kernel Methods6
Advanced Topics in Machine Learning6
Natural Language Processing6
Symbolic and Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence6
Explainable and Reliable Artificial Intelligence6
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence6
Mathematical Optimisation6
Bayesian Statistics6
Advanced Probability6
Advanced Data Management6
Software Development Methods6
Machine Learning Operations6
Advanced High Performance Computing6
GPU and Parallel Programming6
Information Retrieval and Data Visualisation6
Advanced Statistical Methods6
High Performance Computing and Data Infrastructures6
Other courses (****)

(***) Any other course from the University consistent with the study plan