The course focuses on emerging issues of health information technology, starting with decision support systems and mHealth, personalized medical information technology and telemedicine.
The aim is to understand the basic tools of medical IT and applications of IT tools dedicated to medicine. Know the basic principles of data analysis for decision support systems and mobile health to support the doctor and patient.
Management of Health Data
Learning Goals
Program in pills
Concept of modeling process and methodology. Process monitoring and evaluation. Principles of confidentiality and data security. Cybersecurity risk assessment in medical software. Natural Language Processing. Mobile Health (mHealth), Internet of Things and Telemedicine. Mobile App programming for medicine. Flutter and Dart.
Multidisciplinary, Ethical-Judicial-Social Knowledge and Applications
Curriculum Foundations
TAF Type
Curriculum Industry
TAF Type
Curriculum Health
TAF Type
Curriculum Economy
TAF Type
Sara Marceglia